Convert The World

AUTHOR: Hermana Alemán DATE: 4/30/2007 02:11:00 PM ----- BODY:
DIRTY BIKERS! I'm now serving in Monrovia with two great girls and were on mountain bike! Watch out you better beware the dirty biker girl gang is on the prowl. Were looking for somebody to teach the gospel. We cruise up and down the streets doing our thang. The best is Monday when we do our laundry and grocery shopping. Somehow we manage to get it done and hall it all home our bikes. We must look like a bunch of gypsies with our laundry sacks and book bags strung around our necks. Today we were coming from the super market and I totally ate it in the middle of the cross walk. I was carrying a gallon of milk in my hand and it threw of the little balance I do have. My bike went down. The Milk went flying towards the cars that were stopped waiting at the light. And I, Well I used my spidey skills and miraculously came out unscathed. I even managed to not flash anyone while falling/ jumping/dodging in a skirt.We are the few the proud....THE SISTERS ON BIKE!
Mariuda my brazilian friend
-------- COMMENT-AUTHOR:Blogger danielA COMMENT-DATE:9:21 PM COMMENT-BODY:I google the name Mariuda and I came across this photo. I knew her so can you let her know that Daniel would like to say hi. Also if she likes she can email me at

Thank you. --------