Convert The World

AUTHOR: Hermana Alemán DATE: 1/02/2007 10:47:00 AM ----- BODY:
NEW YEAR! 2007 Things continue to go splendidly. Christmas was a dream. It was great to talk with my family. I found out some exciting news. Lance is engaged to a girl named Meghan. They plan to get married in February! Katy is due to have a baby(sex unknown) in six weeks. Big changes. Good ones too. My companion Sister Kersh and I were asked to give the Sermon this past sunday. It was a wonderful experience. I was so nervous but we ended up pulling it all off, AND I even think that some people might have learned a thing or two. I talked about how God gives us experiences in this life where we get to choose how we will act. Our test is to see whether we will have a hard heart- unwilling- or whether we will have a broken heart-obedient and a contrite spirit- willing. This has been the struggle for me my enter mission. Each day is a battle. Will I listen to the Lord and the people he puts into my path. OR Will I pursue my own wants and desires. As I've submitted to God I have felt tangibly a re-shaping of my heart. All of sudden my heart has desires to serve others and to be compassionate. It really is a miracle when you stop and think about it. I have to tell you. I've never been happier. Life is good. Each day brings more light and joy. Yesterday we brought in the new year watching the Pasadena Rose Bowl Parade. Woot! It was a blast. Beautiful Floats. I've never seen a finer parade.